
A kick-ass documentation generator!

Projbook is a lighweight and open source documentation generator intended to help you writing your code-related documentation such as libraries or frameworks.
It is not an API documentation generator like doxygen, or docfs but complementary to them allowing you to integrate previously compiled and well tested code snippets in your technical documentation.

Projbook extends the markdown syntax allowing you to provide a code reference such as `Class.methodName(int)` and directly injects it into a code block at compile time. This will ensure that:
  • The code is compilable
  • The reference is correct
  • Your documentation generation can be integrated with a continuous integration environment
As an example, this website is entirely generated using Projbook, trigerred and deployed by a continous integration environment. This documentation's source is available with the project's source on github.

The project is available on nuget and updates are broacasted on @projbooklib.


How to use it


How to write plugins